How to enable latex on PaperMod

Abstract I’ll show you how to allow markdown to display latex. This website uses hugo and it does not have the ability to render latex by default. $e^2$ In addition, I write down a way to solve a little latex problem. Content Setup First of all, create a file layouts/partials/extend_head.html with the following content. {{ if or .Params.math .Site.Params.math }} <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-MlJdn/WNKDGXveldHDdyRP1R4CTHr3FeuDNfhsLPYrq2t0UBkUdK2jyTnXPEK1NQ" crossorigin="anonymous"> <!-- The loading of KaTeX is deferred to speed up page rendering --> <script defer src="https://cdn....

March 6, 2022 · 2 min · kiwamizamurai